National Parks in Tanzania
The largest Tanzanian National park, known to many as Serengeti obtained its name from Maasai word Siringeti which means endless plain. The Maasai named this place after its given geographical landscape. Back in 1929 Serengeti was a game reserve where hunting was allowed just like it was in many other game reserves.
Hunting and illegal poaching reduced a great number of animals and should it have continued, it is possible that Serengeti would have been a place of nothing else but few birds.
Today Ngorongoro stands as a conservation area but this was not the case back in 1929. Ngorongoro was part of Serengeti game reserve and for those who have had an opportunity to visit Serengeti would agree to the fact that, in reaching Serengeti one has to pass today’s Ngorongoro conservation area first.
In 1951 when it was realized that animal’s lives in Serengeti were in peril as the result of hunting and illegal poaching, the game reserve was declared a national Park with the intentions of protecting the animals and environment surrounding them.
Converting Serengeti into a National park was a good step towards protecting the wild life but the plan was not a complete success due to the fact that Maasai people who used the Ngorongoro part to a large extent for grazing their cattle still used the area.
By the year 1959, Ngorongoro area (now Ngorongoro conservation area) was separated from Serengeti National Park. This reduced the size of Serengeti National park to 14763km2 although it remained the largest national park in Tanzania followed by Ruaha National park.
A heart is sign of love that comes with a beautiful sign shared all over the world no matter cultural differences. Guess what, Serengeti has a heart of its own knows as Seronera, this is the center of the whole national Park.
Serengeti attractions
The wild life in Serengeti provides incomparable beauty of a kind that comes with amazing final touches of the Giant Nile Crocodiles and breath taking Serengeti Kopjes
Did you know that lions go for honeymoon for seven days…